With the push for Health Equity demographic analysis is key to seeing what is important in your area. Businesses have to know their population and the issues that are faced in that area. Whether the issue be the type of diseases that are prevalent in the area, the cost of health care, insured versus uninsured, or transportation issues, you must know what is important to your potential patients and families to know what to focus on. Do you think that the facilities in your area do a good job marketing to the needs of your area?
ISM 5150 Final Exam1. Identify TWO (2) topics that we have covered in the course and for EACH topic: (approximately 1.5
ISM 5150 Final Exam 1. Identify TWO (2) topics that we have covered in the course and for EACH topic: (approximately 1.5 pages for each topic; Total 20 points; 10 points for each topic) 1) Briefly explain the topic and your understanding/interpretation of it (2 points) 2) Describe how you