What is online communities of practice Assignment 2; Research Paper on Online Communities of Practice Resources:  Wenger, E.

What is online communities of practice

Assignment 2; Research Paper on Online Communities of Practice


Wenger, E. (2006). Communities of practice: A brief description. Retrieved from 

to an external site.

     Wenger, E., Traynor, B., de Laat, M. (2011). Promoting and assessing value creation in         communities and networks: A conceptual framework. Retrieved from 

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Develop a paper researching online communities of practice.  Discuss the benefits, challenges, and opportunities regarding the integration of an online community practice and reducing barriers related to the selected organization. Describe how this organization’s learning community could be/has been transformed using technology and the information learned from the resources read.  You may obtain articles from any professional periodical or Website.  The written paper should be at least three – five (3-5) pages in length not including cover page or reference page. A minimum of three (3) scholarly current references are required for this assignment. 
Read and use the Hoadley & Kilner (2005) article listed below as the basis for this analysis. APA applies to all written academic assignments. Write in the third person and submit in a word document. The rubric for grading is attached. 

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