Using your own words, complete the following. You may use the textbook and other sources for information but the answers should be in your own words–not

Using your own words, complete the following. You may use the textbook and other sources for information but the answers should be in your own words–not copied and pasted. Remember to properly cite and reference any sources used.

  1. Define classical conditioning.
  2. In what situation(s) would this approach be used most effectively?
  3. Give an example of classical conditioning. Be sure to identify the unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, and conditioned response. Do not use dog training, as that is the example in the book!
  4. Define operant conditioning.
  5. In what situation(s) would this approach be used most effectively?
  6. Give an example of operant conditioning. Be sure to identify the behavior, discriminant stimulus, operant, and reinforcers/punishments.

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