Read Effia & Esi in the book Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi write a reflection paper that reflectson the experiences of the characters and how it relates to the

Read Effia & Esi in the book Homegoing by Yaa Gyasi write a reflection paper that reflectson the experiences of the characters and how it relates to the psychological concepts. The goal is to engage in critical thinking and analyses of the reading therefore please avoid giving asynopsis or summary of the characters. When writing these papers reflect on your initial thoughts,reactions, and feelings. Were you able to relate to the characters’ experience, why or why not? Whatpsychological concepts can be applied to understand their experience? Feel free to use these questionsas a guide but your papers must go deeper than the posed questions. The expected is 1 ½ – 2 double-spaced page using 12pt Times New Roman font. 

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