Please see attachmentsBUSI 710Critical Analysis: Strategic Deviation TemplateResearch

Please see attachments

BUSI 710

Critical Analysis: Strategic Deviation Template

Research problem. One sentence

Purpose statement. One sentence

Overarching research question and/or hypothesis. One-two sentences

Population/sample. Two sentences

Leading theory through which the problem and results are framed and interpreted. Provide lead descriptor and its main premise. One-two sentences.

Research approach/design/method, e.g., quantitative/correlational/survey methodology for a multiple regression analysis; qualitative case study utilizing semi-structured open-ended interviews, archival data, and observation; mixed methods utilizing a quantitative survey data and case study semi-structured interviews for deep contextual data. (20-50 words).

Constructs –provide lead descriptor.
Variables, if any. For each variable, identify the type i.e., dependent, independent, mediating, or moderating. (20-50 words).

Main limitations and assumptions (Two to three sentences).

Recommend follow up research or related problem to expand on or close gaps in knowledge in the broad topic area.

Cite at least two supporting peer reviewed research articles – single sentence. Cite at least one peer reviewed journal article that presents an alternative view – single sentence. (Three supporting scholarly articles in total)

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