NSG/426: Integrity In Practice: Ethic And Legal Considerations Summative Assessment: Accountability Bottom of Form Top of

NSG/426: Integrity In Practice: Ethic And Legal Considerations

Summative Assessment: Accountability

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Nurses are faced with situations where legal and ethical considerations are complex and sometimes don’t have a simple or clear solution. Unfortunately, nurses are frequently held accountable in these complex situations, which is why it is important for nurses to understand what they can and can’t do, what they will be accountable for, and what they are responsible for. In this assessment, you will analyze a complex topic from an ethical and legal perspective. You should also analyze its impact on nurses and accountability.

Select 1 of the following topics, or another topic approved by your instructor:

· Health care as a right or privilege  

· Futile care  

· Whistleblowing 

· Euthanasia and assisted suicide  

· Clinical uses for illicit substances (e.g., medical marijuana, MDMA for PTSD)


Research your selected topic. 

Analyze a nurse’s legal responsibilities related to your selected topic.

Analyze a nurse’s ethical responsibilities related to your selected topic.

Take a position on the topic and explain your position in detail.

Summarize the steps in the ethical decision-making model you employed and the process used to arrive at your position.

Discuss how your position affects nurses and how nurses can be held accountable in situations related to your selected topic.

Cite at least 3 evidence-based, peer-reviewed sources published within the last 5 years to support your position(s).

Format your assignment in a 875-word paper

Include an APA-formatted reference list.

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Papers and posts should
have less than 10 percent of the words directly quoted from other sources.  

**Reference needs to be within 5 years (2020-2024)

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