make a University app to have a simple system to keep track of all the students (graduate and undergrads).To do that the following classes are needed for this object-oriented database.
- StudentID : Integer
- stdFirstName: String
- stdLastName: String
- stdMarks : Double []
- stdAddress: Address
** Class Student should have set/get properties, constructor and have following methods:
Average() – that returns the average grade for students
toString() method that returns the above information as a String
- A class called Address which can be that can be added into the class student
- streetInfo: String
- city: String
- postalCode: String
- province: String
- country: String
** Class Address should have set/get properties, constructor and following method:
toString() method that returns the above information as a String
- A class called UndergraduateStudent that inherits from Student and has the following members:
Undergrad Student
- subject: String
- yearOfEntry :Integer
***Class Student should have set/get properties, constructor and following method:
Graduate() – Boolean that returns true if the Student is eligible to graduate when the average of their marks is greater than 50.
toString() method that returns the above information as a String
- A class called GraduateStudent that inherits from Student and has the following members:
Graduate Student
- subject : String
- yearOfEntry :Integer
- thesisTopic: String
Class Student should have set/get properties, constructor and following method:
Graduate() – Boolean that returns true if the Student is eligible to graduate when the average of their marks is greater than 70.
toString() method that returns the above information as a String
Summary of Operations
System Menu:
- Add undergraduate student
- Add graduate student
- View all the students
- View only eligible students for graduation
- exit
- You may use array or ArrayList to store all your students(graduate and undergrad) into one array of objects.
- If you use an Array, you may assume the user does not enter more than ten students in total into the system
1 –Add undergraduate Students: this menu should accept all the necessary parameters for undergraduate students and create an instance from undergraduate class and store it into students array.
2 –Add graduate student: this menu should accept all the necessary parameters for graduate students. It should create an instance from the graduate class and store it in the students’ array.
3- View all the students: view all the relevant information of students (graduate and undergraduate) from students array
4- View only eligible students for graduation: view all the relevant information (graduate and undergraduate) from the students’ array only if they are eligible to graduate.
5 – Exit: exit the running menu (program)