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Read both articles:

Walking While Black

Walking while Black: Michael Brown, black men and white police officers

Task 1: Create a Venn Diagram comparing the experiences of the men in the two pieces. Here is a link to a

 Venn Diagram Maker


Task 2:  Write a 250 word (1page) expository piece that details your experience walking  in your community.  Your piece should demonstrate both understanding and empathy for the men in the articles.

Assignment 2

The Wall comes from one of the 20th-century masters of existentialism, Jean-Paul Sartre. From the introductory notes to the story in 
World Literature (1996: National Textbook Company) we see the following:

Existential flourished in the years between 1940 and 1965 because its philosophy met the needs of people who were disillusioned by World War II. Existential denies that anyone’s beliefs and actions are determined by divine providence, human nature, heredity, or environment. Instead, it asserts that all human beings define themselves by their actions. In his famous lecture, “Existentialism is a Humanism,” Sartre states, “Man is nothing else but that which he makes of himself.) (281)

Read the story attached, then do the following assignment (a character sketch) and submit that work using the attached buttons below.

Character Sketch Assignment

In  coherent 1-2 paragraphs compose a character sketch (a description and explanation of his character) of Pablo. Briefly consider his appearance, but concentrate on what his behavior and thoughts tells us about him. What do we learn about him in the course of his last night on Earth and unfaltering approach in spite of his imminent execution? How does his character stand in contrast to those of Tom and Juan? Where does his sense of humour come from and how does it reveal his character? Connect the thoughts back to the text where appropriate.  If you are unclear, try this link: 



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