Dropbox for Analysis of School-Level Report Card  Prepare an analysis of your school’s most recent report card by comparing your school to two other

Dropbox for Analysis of School-Level Report Card 

Prepare an analysis of your school’s most recent report card by comparing your school to two other comparable schools.

  • Analysis will include a one-paragraph narrative of two areas of the report card, a bar graph representation of two areas of the report card and follow-up discussion questions.
  • See Appendices D and E for help in completing this assignment.
  • This assignment is due before midnight on Sunday, September 8.

My school: Oak Park Elementary    

Two comparable schools:

Mason Elementary:  

Laurel Magnet School of Arts:

Rationale: The use of data increases accountability creates a sense of urgency, and helps educational leaders

focus on specific goals.

From the Mississippi Department of Education website, (www.mdek12.org), download your school’s most recent report

card along with the most recent report card from two other schools that are comparable to your school. If there are not

two schools within your district that are comparable to your school, it is permissible to choose schools from another

district. For students who live outside of Mississippi, you may complete this assignment using data from your state.

After reviewing the data from your school and two comparable schools:

1. Prepare a one-paragraph narrative summary and an accompanying bar graph to illustrate how your school

compares to the other two schools in two of the areas listed below:

·         Math Proficiency

·         English Proficiency

·         Science Proficiency

·         U.S. History Proficiency

·         Student Absenteeism

·         Teacher Data

·         Graduation Rate

·         College and Career Readiness

·         Discipline

·         NAEP

·         Per-Pupil Expenditure

·         Other

2. From your analysis of the data above, discuss each of the following prompts in at least one paragraph or more:

·         Which one of the areas above is of the most interest to you? Why?

·         Which one of the areas above would be meaningful for school improvement at your school? Why?

·         Which one of the areas above would you be able to readily access and collect data from your school?



 Go to mdek12.org

 Select “Reports & Data” at the top of the page (on the right)

 Click on the link for “District and School Data” at the bottom of the page( on the left)

 Select “Go to the Data Explorer” on the left of the page

 Choose the most current year, a school district, and a school

 Click on “Report Card” on the left of the page.

Please Note: The data and information from this assignment could be very helpful to you in completing a future assignment scheduled for Week Four, when you will be asked to create a “Data-Based Decision Making Plan.”

Analysis of School Improvement Plan Rubric

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOne Paragraph Narrative with Accompanying Bar Graph for Area #1   15 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOne Paragraph Narrative with Accompanying Bar Graph for Area #2  15 points

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiscussion of Area That Is of the Most Interest to You                 20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiscussion of the Area That Would Be Most Meaningful for School Improvement           20 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiscussion of the Accessibility of Data                  10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGrammar/Spelling/Mechanics                    10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLength of Assignment (minimum of five well-developed paragraphs)                    10 pts

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