complete the method named countdown (method stub provided) so that it accepts an int countFrom as its parameter and prints each number from countFrom to 1 on a single line separated by a space. This method should not return anything (void return type).
Hint: Use a loop and think about the starting value you want to print, the ending value that will print, and how you want to update the value between iterations.
Example: countdown(5) should print: 5 4 3 2 1 Example2: countdown(-1) should not print anything. Example3: countdown(9) should print: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Ensure you are thoroughly calling and testing your methods before submitting to zyBooks.
Problem 2 – Arrays as Parameters
Complete the curve method (method stub provided for you) so that it loops through the int[] grades, incrementing each non-zero grade by 2. Grades of 0 should not be changed. This method should not print or return anything, but should modify the contents of the grades array.
Hint – you can test that your method works in main by printing the values in grades both before and after this method is called.
Example: Passing in an int[] containing: {95, 80} should modify the array to {97,82} Example2: Passing in a int[] containing: {70, 0, 99} should modify the array to {72, 0, 101}
Problem 3 – Returning Arrays, Arrays as Parameters, String methods
Write a method named acronyms that accepts an array of type String as its parameter and returns an array of type char. This method stub is not provided for you. Method name, return type, and parameter(s) should match exactly to receive credit. You should not use the keyword static in the method header.
Your method should create a new char array the same size as the String array passed in. You should then use a loop to populate the char array with the first letter of each individual String stored in the array.
Hint – the charAt method in the String class retrieves a single char from a specified index.
Example: Passing in an String[] containing: {“tiger”, “king”} should return a char[] of size 2 containing {‘t’, ‘k’} Example2: Passing in an String[] containing: {“go dawgs”, “uga”, “java”} should return a char[] of size 3 containing {‘g’, ‘u’, ‘j’}
Problem 4 – Scanner in methods, String methods, Algorithm design, Return Statements
Write a method named setPassword that accepts a Scanner object as its parameter and returns a boolean. This method stub is not provided for you. Method name, return type, and parameter(s) should match exactly to receive credit. You should not use the keyword static in the method header.
Your method should read in a String password using the nextLine method and the the Scanner object passed in as the method parameter. Your method should then return either true or false depending on if all criteria of a password is met.
A valid password (returning true) would have the following criteria:
- The password contains at least 8 characters
- The password contains at least 1 capital letter/char
- The password contains at least 1 lowercase letter/char
If ALL of the above conditions are met, your method should return true. If any of the above conditions are NOT met, your method should return false.
Example: a user input of “Coding99” or “Java12345” would return true Example2: a user input of “Java123” would return false //only 7 characters Example3: a user input of “JAVA12345” would return false //no lowercase Example4: a user input of “java12345” would return false //no uppercase
import java.util.Scanner; //imported for you!
public class Exam2{//Problem 1 public void countdown(int countFrom) { //YOUR CODE HERE }
//Problem 2 public void curve(int[] grades) { //YOUR CODE HERE }
//Problem 3 //method stub not provided – YOUR CODE HERE
//Problem 4 //method stub not provided – YOUR CODE HERE
import java.util.*; //All items in java.util package (Scanner, ArrayList, HashSet, etc.) imported for youpublic class Main{ public static void main(String[] args) { //You can test your code here. //This file is not graded. }