APA formatted 5 pages Read about the ‘Historical Evolution of Child Welfare Services” What are the significant child welfare policies/laws that have

APA formatted

5 pages

Read about the ‘Historical Evolution of Child Welfare Services”

What are the significant child welfare policies/laws that have impacted the current child welfare system? Based on the reading, what are some unresolved issues that have historically challenged the child welfare system that still exists today?

Also, view the PBS documentary film: “The Orphan Train” Please address the following questions:

1. What were the original goals that Charles Loring Brace had for the Children’s Aid Society and the Orphan Trains? Did he succeed?

2. Why is the term “Orphan Train” not accurate?
3.What is the significance of understanding this “placing out” movement and its impact on the current child welfare system? Do you think the race of the children had any influence on the movement? Please explain.

4. What are some of the issues Brace addressed in his attempt to help the children that are still relevant today?

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